Caramalised red onion and cheese heart quiche

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ESSE made Caramalised red onion and cheese heart quiche

You don’t have to bake the pastry blind as it will cook on the base of the ESSE oven. This is a simple recipe, with store cupboard ingredients and the perfect match with this refreshing and nutritious February salad. I used a 23cm heart shaped tin or use a loose based round tin.


For the pastry:

  • 175g wholemeal or plain flour
  • 85g cold butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon smoked sweet paprika (optional)

For the filling:

  • 3 large red onions, finely sliced
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 100g mature hard cheese, grated
  • 2 eggs
  • 150ml single cream
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Freshly grated nutmeg


Heat the oven to 180C (ESSE dial guide middle of HOT).

  1. For the pastry, mix together the flour and paprika. Then add the butter, cut up into cubes and rub into the flour, mix until fine breadcrumbs.
  2. Then add the egg until it makes a dough (if you are using wholemeal flour you may need to add a splash of cold water to make a dough). Leave to rest in the fridge while you make the filling.
  3. Cook the onions in the oil until  they start to soften (the longer and  the slower the better).  You can cook them in the oven if you prefer.  Cook until they are softened and turn naturally sweet. Then season to taste.
  4. Line the tin with pastry. Sprinkle half of the grated cheese over the tart base and then spread the onions on top.
  5. Beat the eggs into the cream, season with salt and pepper and pour over the onions, top with the remaining cheese and finally grate in some fresh nutmeg.
  6. Bake direct on the base of the ESSE oven for about 35 minutes or until the filling is firm and golden.

Caramalised red onion and cheese heart quiche is lovely served with a Red winter salad with beetroot, Yorkshire rhubarb and chicory.

Recipe prepared by Philippa Vine at Bluebell Farmhouse Kitchen and Cookery School in East Sussex.

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